How To instaling theme

Install the themes at appereance and activated the license what you get after purchase.follow

these steps:

Open Apereance >>> Themes >>> Upload >> Activate

Website Pages Layout

  1. Go to Appearance > Theme Options
  2. Open (General Settings) Tab from the left.
  3. Choose your suitable page layout from (Page Layout) Box.
  4. Save Your Work.



Change Website Logo and Background

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( Basic Settings ) Tab from the left.
  3. Choose ( Custom Logo Image ) if you want use an image, or ( Website Title ) to use your website name as text.
  4. Save your work.




Insert media social 

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( Social Settings ) Tab from the left.
  3. insert your media social URL if you want to use media social icon
  4. if you dont use the media social icon , just empty the url box
  5. Save your work.




Featured Image

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( Themes Setting ) Tab from the left.
  3. If you want to show featured image on single post / page  , just turn on featured image option
  4. Save your work.



Featured Image



Categeroy Page Thumbnail

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( Themes Setting ) Tab from the left.



Big Thumbnail


Small Thumbnail



Comment System

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( Themes Setting ) Tab from the left.
  3. show comment  type on your page facebook / wordpress /disquss / off




Insert ads

  1. Go to ( Appearance > Theme Options ).
  2. Open ( advertisment Settings ) Tab from the left.



Page Builder

  1. Go to ( Appearance > widget Options ).
  2. just drag n drop widget you want use for your page
  3. choose which category you want use on your widget
  4. save


#click image for enlarge picture

Widgets ‹ AGCMaster Demo Themes — WordPress